How to advertise and host a Jobbsprånget intern

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed with the amount of work to be done? Would you like some fresh input and ideas? How about boosting your supervision hours? All can be achieved by advertising a position in your group for an international academic who would like to complete a free internship in Sweden. If you would like to known more/participate, see information session and workshop below.

Interns at Jobbsprånget are approved to work in Sweden and have, at minimum, a bachelor degree but many also have completed PhDs and Postdocs abroad.
Just like a job position, the intern will apply for your position and you may interview as many or as few applicants as you prefer.

Next due date for advertising positions is July 16th. For more information see: Jobbsprånget
If you want to know a little more, please attend the information session on the 24th online.
If you’re onboard with the idea and want to advertise a position in your group, Future Faculty will be holding an in-person workshop with onsite help from Peter at Jobbsprånget on Thursday the 27th of June from 13:30-15:30 in the Dora Jacobsson room (D15, BMC, Lund).

Please confirm your Yes/Maybe attendance here: ADD TO CALENDAR

Before the workshop: Please create an account at Jobbsprånget by sending an email to Peter ( titled: ‘Create an employer user account’ with your name, email address and phone number.

To the workshop: Please bring your laptop and an outline of your internship position to the workshop.

For any questions please email Nicole at

20 June 2024

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