Careers centre organizes together with Future Faculty a seminar on teaching opportunities on December 15th at BMC: “Teaching at the Faculty of Medicine – Who, when, and how?“.
If you are you an early stage international researcher currently in Sweden (second-year up to PhD awarded within the last two years), you might be interested in participating in a Vinnova-supported project to map the ability of Swedish universities, to guide international researchers to a possible career outside of academia after completing research/doctoral studies.
Your participation is really appreciated! Feel free to forward this survey to any early stage international researcher that you think would be willing to help researchers to get a better understanding of career-related support for international researchers in order to achieve a career outside of academia.
If you want more information about the research project, please contact the project manager Therese Lindkvist (
A position as Associate Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, that might be of interest to our members, has been posted recently on Lund University’s recruitment system. The deadline to apply is 15th February 2024.
Note: It is a merit to not have received salary or stipend in Sweden, but not a requirement, so it might be worthwhile to apply even if you are already in Sweden.
The nominations period for the Minerva Leadership Award 2024 is extended until 19th of November. Anyone who knows of a good role model, who leads by example and raises the bar for academic integrity, can still nominate them this week by clicking the link below and describing your reasons.
The highly esteemed Minerva prize can be awarded to anyone at the faculty (does not have to be a PI), in recognition of their great leadership qualities that align with Future Faculty’s core values: fairness, transparency and honesty.
Please note that current or former (last two years) members of the Future Faculty steering board cannot be nominated (list can be found here)
Make sure you nominate this person before the 19th of November 2023. If you have nominated someone in the previous years but they did not win, consider nominating them again!
November is Academic Writing Month! AcWriMo is an international web-based event where academics encourage and challenge themselves to achieve their writing goals.
For the occasion, Future Faculty organizes a writing day in several locations at the Faculty of Medicine on November 22nd from 9:00 to 15:00.
For this day, the idea is to meet up and work together, on our own tasks. We will alternate between focused sessions and breaks with time to mingle.
You are welcome to come for all or part of the day. Fika will be provided, lunch is at your own expense.
Limited places available. Priority will be given to Future Faculty members but registration is also open to PhD students and non-members. Register here.
Nominations for the 2024 Minerva Leadership Award are now open!
The nomination period for the Minerva Leadership Award 2024 has opened! Do you know an inspiring leader and/or good role model within the Faculty of Medicine? A person who leads by example and raises the bar for academic integrity? We invite you to nominate them.
We welcome nominees in all positions: Post-docs, PIs, teachers, administrative colleagues etc.
Please note that current or former (last two years) members of the Future Faculty steering board cannot be nominated (list can be found here).
Make sure you nominate this person before the 10th of November 2023. If you have nominated someone in the previous years but they did not win, consider nominating them again!
On Wednesday Oct 4th at 14:30, we invite you for a fika to celebrateKanelbullens dag, which is the official day of the Swedish cinnamon roll! The fika will be served on three locations in Lund and Malmö.
We hope to have many current members come and mingle with us! Feel free to come if you are not a member yet or bring any colleague who might be considering joining Future Faculty. You will be able to sign up on site.
Here, we will post news and events continuously over the academic year. The blog is currently under construction but we will progressively add some content and useful resources for our members.